2008년 5월 6일 화요일

Chp. 6 The Furniture That Went Mad

Mr. Halls and Mrs. Halls waked up early in the morning and went down into the cellar for the business. Then, Mrs. Halls found out that she had forgotten to bring down a bottle of sarsaparilla from their joint-room. Mr. Halls went upstairs to get it for Mrs. Halls. While he was going to the joint-room, he was surprised that the stranger's(invisible man) room door was opened, but he kept on walking to his joint-room to get the bottle of sarsaparilla. After getting the bottle of sarsaparilla, he was curious about the stranger's room. He went into the stranger's room and saw the stranger's bandages on the bed. When Mr. Halls told his wife all the things he saw upstairs, Mrs. Halls went up to see it, but what she saw was things flying in the air. Mrs. Halls was shocked and fainted in Mr. Halls arm.

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