2008년 5월 8일 목요일

The Review of the Book

The book I read was the book titled 'The Invisible Man' by a famous writer H G Wells. H G Wells wrote lots of famous book, and The Invisible Man is one of the famous book he wrote.

The story begins with a stranger, with bandages all over his body, head to toe, goes into an inn to get a room to stay. Then people start to think he is an extraordinary stranger. He was really busy sometimes, and sometimes, he just stayed in his room and rest. Then, strange things start to happen in the town. Mr. and Mrs. Bunting were robbed by a invisible creature right in front of them. Few days later, the invisible man shows him self who he really is, and starts to do more crazy stuff like, killing people and robbing people. However, he gets caught in the end.

I think this book is a good book because it is written about an invisible man, invisibility is one of the super power which everyone thought of it once before, people(including me) must have thought about being invisible and walk around people around you and they do not notice that you are actually right next to them, we just think of the things what we can do, but this book tells more specific things when a person becomes invisible. It tells about the disadvantages being invisible. Examples, you can not walk around properly, because if people notice there is something strange around them they just freak out.

One thing I do not like the book is that the invisible man kills people, and he does not feel guilty about it. This book taught me to think more about people around me. I have to think about them and make them feel comfortable to be my friends or neighbor.

댓글 1개:

Anonymous Scout :

The spiritual dimension section of this essay is lacking. You also have a few problems with subject/verb and pronoun agreement.