2008년 4월 23일 수요일

Chp. 3 The Thousand And One Bottles

On 10th of Feb, the invisible man's luggage arrived to the inn, in his luggage, there were a box of books, boxes, cases and glass bottles. One time, for an accident, a dog bit him in his leg. He was bleeding, and he ran up to his room and was getting change. A man, Fearenside ran up to the stranger's room, but all he saw was nothing. He was shocked.

댓글 3개:

Anonymous Scout :

Good start, but please carefully write these entries.

Your first sentence is a run-on.

The word accident is misued in this entry.

Your next to last sentence should say "but he didn't see anything." How can you see all of nothing?

Young Samurai :

"ans" should be "and". you can click spell check before you post an entry in case you didn't know.

littlegreenducky :

You've done a very nice job. You might want to post a couple more summaries so that you aren't very far behind. Checking and proofreading your entries before posting them may help you have less typos.