2008년 5월 6일 화요일

Chp. 7 The Unveiling of the Stranger

After the burglary at the vicarage happend, the stroy became a imperfect rumour to the people in the village, and two and two were put together. One day, Mrs. Halls found out that the stranger has not pay bills for the room his renting yet. She went up to him to ask him about it with the bills he had not paid. When she went up to the stranger, he was mad with Mrs. Halls, because she did not give breakfast to him and did not answer bell. They had an arguement over these thing, and Mrs. Halls told him that she wants to know what things he has been doing. At last, he takes of his bandages and show him that he is an invisible person. So they found out that he is the burglar, so they try to catch him but he escapes.

댓글 1개:

Angelo Sisante :

Joseph!!! You need to get working!! Its due on Friday! Great job on the ones you have done im afraid you may have made a few grammatical mistakes.