2008년 5월 8일 목요일


1) http://www.everyauthor.com/writing/books/h_g_wells
This site is about the books and life of H G Wells

This site is about the book invisible man.

This site has the book. The invisible man

The Review of the Book

The book I read was the book titled 'The Invisible Man' by a famous writer H G Wells. H G Wells wrote lots of famous book, and The Invisible Man is one of the famous book he wrote.

The story begins with a stranger, with bandages all over his body, head to toe, goes into an inn to get a room to stay. Then people start to think he is an extraordinary stranger. He was really busy sometimes, and sometimes, he just stayed in his room and rest. Then, strange things start to happen in the town. Mr. and Mrs. Bunting were robbed by a invisible creature right in front of them. Few days later, the invisible man shows him self who he really is, and starts to do more crazy stuff like, killing people and robbing people. However, he gets caught in the end.

I think this book is a good book because it is written about an invisible man, invisibility is one of the super power which everyone thought of it once before, people(including me) must have thought about being invisible and walk around people around you and they do not notice that you are actually right next to them, we just think of the things what we can do, but this book tells more specific things when a person becomes invisible. It tells about the disadvantages being invisible. Examples, you can not walk around properly, because if people notice there is something strange around them they just freak out.

One thing I do not like the book is that the invisible man kills people, and he does not feel guilty about it. This book taught me to think more about people around me. I have to think about them and make them feel comfortable to be my friends or neighbor.


This is the final chapter of this book, which Griffin gets caught.

Mr. Heelas, did not really believe this "the invisible man" story, but he starts to think the story makes sense somehow. Then, in the end Griffin was caught. This is the end of the story.


The invisible man, Griffin was keep killing people for nothing. Griffin sent a massage to Dr. Kemp saying he will kill him today. Then Dr. Kemp's servant got killed, and Adye got killed too for not doing the thing that Griffin asked him to do, telling Dr. Kemp to open the door. Finally, Dr. Kemp told everything happened, to a police officer.


No one knew where was the invisible man nor what he did. When Dr. Kemp reached the Port Burdock, he could find a dead body, but he was not surprised.


Dr. Kemp told a man called 'Adye' about the invisible man, Griffin. They try to think of a plan to catch this crazy invisible man. Dr. Kemp told Adye everything he knew about Griffin, to make a perfect plan to catch him and make himstop doing what he is doing right now. They knew Griffiin was looking for the thick books which Mr. Marvel had, and they knew Griffin is trying to kill Mr. Marvel to get the books.


Dr. Kemp asked Griffin what they have to do now. The invisible man, Griffin tell him that they he has to kill Mr. Marvel to get his three books. Dr. Kemp did not agree with Griffin's suggestion, so he tries to lock him, but Griffin runs away.


This chapter, is also about Griffin still talking to his friend, Dr. Kemp. This time Griffin tells him about the story when he was staying in a man's place. Griffin was scaring the man all the time, and he killed a man in the end. Dr. Kemp felt sorry and sad for the man who was killed by his friend, Griffin.


Griffin also told him about how he got through over the winter. He could not go any place like an inn, because people freaked out when they see him. He had to find a warm place to be warmed, he found a mall and stayed there over the winter. He came out from the mall when spring came, when it was warm outside.


Griffin told him about the Oxford Street, where he first did the things when he became invisible, he was not used to being an invisible person at first. The people in the Oxford Street were scared and shocked, when they saw the strange things happened by the invisible man, Griffin.


Griffin told Dr. Kemp how he became invisible. Dr. Kemp found out that Griffin got invisible because of an experiment he was doing. Griffin tried the drugs he made, to a cat, but he failed. When he tried the medicine, he became invisible, and Griffin also told him that he burned down a house to cover his trail.


Dr. Kemp and Griffin was talking, and Dr. Kemp asked what happened that made Griffin angry so much. Griffin told him what made him angry, and that he wanted to be invisible to robbed people and steal their money. Griffin robbed his own that too, which caused his father to die.


Griffin and Dr. Kemp talked about their life, as they could not meet each other for long time. While Griffin was sleeping, Dr. Kemp thinks about the existence of any man who has an invisible body.


When Dr. Kemp came back to his house. He met the invisible man. The invislble man was Dr. Kemp's school friend, but they could not contact each other. The invisible man was called 'Griffin'. Griffin told Dr. Kemp about himself, and told him that he needs a place to sleep. Dr. Kemp allowed him to sleep and said that he will not tell people about Griffin.


Jolly Cricketers was an inn, which was at the bottom of the hill. Mr. Marvel was staying in this inn. People were talking about the invisible man. Mr. Marvel was scared of the invisible man, and he asked them to close all the doors and lock the doors, but there was one door which was not locked


Dr. Kemp, who did not believe about the invisible man, was introduced in this chapter. Mr. Marvel saw people running away crazily screaming "The Invisible Man is coming! The Invisible Man!"

2008년 5월 7일 수요일


Mr. Marvel was sitting on a bench, still holding the three thick books he was holding. Suddenly, a man started to talk to him, and then they started to talk about the invisible man. Then, Mr. Marvel starts to tell him about the invisible man.

The invisible man returns from stealing money, now he needs a bag or something to hold the money.


Mr. Marvel and the invisible man were on the way to Bramblehurst. Mr. Marvel told the invisible man that he wants to quit his job, but the invisible man threanten him not to.


While Mr. and Mrs. Halls went out to check what is happening to the shop across the inn, Mr. Bunting and Mr. Cuss heard the invisible man screaming upstairs, and went up to check what is happening. They saw nothing, but someone was screaming. The invisible man was really mad, he was screaminga, and breaking all the window.


Mr. Bunting and Mr. Cuss were willing to know more about the invisible man, as Mr. Bunting was robbed by him. They were allowed to see the stranger's room. The most valuable thing they found was the diary of the invisible man, eventhough there were lots of thing in the diary, they couldn't understand it, because the words in there were written in other languges, then they found some writings written in Greek.

Chp. 10 Mr. Marvel's Visit to Iping

The Iping(town) was feeling suspicious and strange about the things that happened. They felt strange, and felt like someone was watching them all the time. Mr. Marvel, who was in the train, he went into the same inn as the ivisible man went it to get his place to sleep. Mrs. Halls thinks he as an another strange guy.

Chp. 9 Mr. Thomas Marvel

Let's think about a person of copious, flexible visage, a nose of cylindrical protrusion, a liquorish, ample, fluctuating mouth, and a beard of bristling eccentricity, he's Mr. Thomas Marvel. He was in a train on way to Adderdean. Suddenly he found out that there was someone behind talking to him. He turned back, and he was shocked that all he could see was the empty air. He thought he was drunk, but he was not. There really was someone talking to him. The invisible man decided to show himself.

Chp. 8 In Transit

In this chapter, it just says about a man who heard cursings in the empty town. He thinks it's suspicious about the thing he heard.

2008년 5월 6일 화요일

Chp. 7 The Unveiling of the Stranger

After the burglary at the vicarage happend, the stroy became a imperfect rumour to the people in the village, and two and two were put together. One day, Mrs. Halls found out that the stranger has not pay bills for the room his renting yet. She went up to him to ask him about it with the bills he had not paid. When she went up to the stranger, he was mad with Mrs. Halls, because she did not give breakfast to him and did not answer bell. They had an arguement over these thing, and Mrs. Halls told him that she wants to know what things he has been doing. At last, he takes of his bandages and show him that he is an invisible person. So they found out that he is the burglar, so they try to catch him but he escapes.

Chp. 6 The Furniture That Went Mad

Mr. Halls and Mrs. Halls waked up early in the morning and went down into the cellar for the business. Then, Mrs. Halls found out that she had forgotten to bring down a bottle of sarsaparilla from their joint-room. Mr. Halls went upstairs to get it for Mrs. Halls. While he was going to the joint-room, he was surprised that the stranger's(invisible man) room door was opened, but he kept on walking to his joint-room to get the bottle of sarsaparilla. After getting the bottle of sarsaparilla, he was curious about the stranger's room. He went into the stranger's room and saw the stranger's bandages on the bed. When Mr. Halls told his wife all the things he saw upstairs, Mrs. Halls went up to see it, but what she saw was things flying in the air. Mrs. Halls was shocked and fainted in Mr. Halls arm.

2008년 5월 4일 일요일

Chp. 5 The Burglary At The Vicarage

One night, around four in the morning, Mrs. Bunting heard noises and waked her husband up. Mr. Bunting and Mrs. Bunting went down to the living room as quitely as they can. When Mr. Bunting throw himself into the living room to catch the stranger, but all he could see was nothing other than emty air. Suddenly, the door was opened widely, and was slammed. All they could do was stand and stare in the air.

2008년 4월 27일 일요일

Chp. 4 Mr. Cuss Interviews The Stranger

There were no differences to the stranger(invisible man) even on Sunday. Mrs. Hall thought that he was working, because someday he came down early and he was being busy. Whenever people questioned about him, Mrs. Hall said that he is an "experimental investigator" and he had an accident.

2008년 4월 23일 수요일

Chp. 3 The Thousand And One Bottles

On 10th of Feb, the invisible man's luggage arrived to the inn, in his luggage, there were a box of books, boxes, cases and glass bottles. One time, for an accident, a dog bit him in his leg. He was bleeding, and he ran up to his room and was getting change. A man, Fearenside ran up to the stranger's room, but all he saw was nothing. He was shocked.

2008년 4월 21일 월요일

Mr. Teddy's Henfrey's First Impressions [Chp.2]

Mrs. Hall tried to ask the stranger (the invisible man) if he would take some tea. And Mr. Teddy Henfrey came. Both of them went into the stranger's room.

2008년 4월 20일 일요일

The Invisible Man's Photos

The Strange Man's Arrival

The mysterious man with bandages foot to head, and wearing his glasses, went to an inn. And the inn keeper, Mrs. Hall, asked him for his coat and his hat to dry them, but he refused it. Mrs. Hall thinks he is badly injured.

2008년 4월 17일 목요일

Intro... By me...

Hey!! Okay, I'm going to post the posts about the book 'The Invisible Man', by summarising each chapter. The book is about the invisible man, obviously. Imagine one day you become invisible, what do you think you'll feel?
Okay, I post, you read. Hope you like it!! See You!